ECI will be holding it's annual Asessippi Ski trip on December 19th. The trip is open to Grades 7 - 12 and is always a popular event! Please see the trip details below:
Asessippi Ski Trip Itinerary
7:30 ………………Depart from ECI
7:45 ………………Pick up Sandy Lake Skiers
8:45 ………………Arrive at Asessippi Ski Hill
8:45 – 9:30 ………Ski hill meeting and get equipment
9:30 – 4:00 ………Instruction and skiing
4:30 ………………Depart for Erickson
6:00 ………………Arrive in Erickson

Asessippi Downhill Ski Trip Costs
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Grades 7 - 12
Ski and board lessons are included for every student
What do you need?
Lift Pass + Ski Equipment + Bus Fee (Includes Helmet) $65
Lift Pass + Board Equipment + Bus Fee (Includes Helmet) $65
Lift Pass + Bus Fee (Have your own equipment and helmet) $45
Bus Fee Only (Have your own equipment, helmet, and season pass) $15
Bring a bag lunch or extra money for hot lunch.