The Current Topics in Science class spent a chilly night during their field trip out RMNP, but it was well worth it. The class spent Wednesday morning checking out the ecosystem at Clear Spring Bog. We had an excellent afternoon with Stella Blackbird, an elder from Keesee. She met us out at Lake Audy and shared her knowledge of plants. Stella helped us identify a number of plants and explained their various medicinal uses. Afterwards we gathered around a fire and made bannock together and enjoyed the jelly the class made on Tuesday.

Thursday was spent with Desmond Mentuck, a RMNP interpreter. We enjoyed a very informative talk at Lake Audy about the traditional use of Bison. The Bison even cooperated and were by the road when we drove through the enclosure. In the afternoon we learned about the significance of the teepee and the role it plays in Astronomy.

Current Topics in Science class would like to thank Mr. Coulson for driving bus and chaperoning.