Welcome to ECI Annual Plant Sale!!
We have changed things up this year. Because of the Covid pandemic and the school restrictions, our annual plant sale will run differently. We have grown less plants, so the amounts are limited. Sales will be on a first come first served basis. All proceeds will be put back into the Horticulture program to continue again next year.
Order Instructions:
1. Look through the list of available plants below and their sizes and select your plants to be ordered.
2. Three ways to place your order:
- Call Nancy at the school – 204 636 2605 ext 410. She will check the availability of your order and confirm your total owing.
- Email Nancy your order at
[email protected] and she will confirm your order and total owing with a return email.

- Send your order through ECI Facebook message and Nancy will confirm your order and total owing with a Facebook reply.
3. One of our Horticulture Program students will contact you after May 21st by phone to arrange a pick-up time. Payment can be made at the time of pick-up by cheque (payable to ECI) or exact cash. The pick-up times will be between 1:30 and 2:30 pm from May 27th to June 4th at the school.
4. Pick Up
a. Drive up to the southeast side of the school to the greenhouse
b. Upon arrival, students will put your order on the table
c. There will be envelopes to put your money in. Put your name on the envelope and put it in the blue bin.
d. Take your plants! Happy planting!!
Thanks for purchasing our plants!!
Your support means a lot to the students in the program!
Blue/or White Storm Petunias - 6 paks/$3.50
Easy Wave Red Petunias - 2 paks/$2.50
Easy Wave White Petunias - 6 paks/$3.50
Easy Wave Velour (Burgundy) Petunias - 6 paks - SOLD OUT - and 3 paks/$3.50 and $2.50
Double Petunia - Pirouette Red - individual pots $2.00
Double Petunia - Pirouette Purple 6 paks - $3.50
Gazania - New Day Mix 3 paks/$3.00
Marigold - Inca Mix (tall)/Durango Mix (medium)/Lemon Gem/Tangerine Gem 6 paks/$3.50
Pansy - Mammoth Mix individual pots $2.00
Coleus - Wizard Mix - individual pots $2.00
Celosia - First Flame Purple - 3 paks $3.00
Tomatoes - Prairie Pride - 6 paks $3.50
Peppers - Mucho Nacho Jalapeno - individual pots $2.00
12” Hanging Baskets - Wave Petunias - $20.00
Ornamental Grass - Princess Millet - individual pots - $2.00 - SOLD OUT!!
More varieties to be announced!